Anonymous 发表于 2024-7-1 13:46:00


We are Singapore’s largest content creator and national media network, operating a suite of TV channels, radio stations and multiple digital platforms.

We pioneered the development of Singapore’s broadcasting industry with radio broadcast in 1936 and television in 1963. Today, Mediacorp reaches 98% of Singaporeans in four languages and has a growing Asian audience base through CNA as well as entertainment content distributed across the region.
我们通过 1936 年的广播和 1963 年的电视,开创了新加坡广播业的发展。如今,新传媒以四种语言覆盖 98% 的新加坡人,并通过 CNA 以及在整个地区传播的娱乐内容拥有不断增长的亚洲观众群。

Beyond Singapore, Mediacorp is an active regional player bringing together industry-leading brands like ESPN, Edipresse Media, and VICE through the Mediacorp Partner Network to deliver rich content for consumers and effective solutions for advertisers. Digitally, CNA content is consumed by an increasing average of about 10 million unique visitors, generating about 73 million page views every month. The channel also reaches more than 81 million households in 29 territories across Asia, the Middle East and Australia.
除新加坡以外,新传媒还是一家活跃的区域参与者,通过新传媒合作伙伴网络将 ESPN、Edipresse Media、 和 VICE 等行业领先品牌汇聚在一起,为消费者提供丰富的内容,并为广告商提供有效的解决方案。从数字角度看,CNA 内容的平均独立访问者数量不断增加,数量约为 1000 万,每月产生约 7300 万次页面浏览量。该频道还覆盖亚洲、中东和澳大利亚 29 个地区的超过 8100 万家庭。

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